New space-times. Immersivity in the digital age


  • María del Mar Aragó Polytechnic university of Valencia



Immersiveness, viewer, screen, virtual reality, digital universe


The concept of immersiveness is no longer specific, but instead embodies a complexity that is linked to the context of real-digital mystification. The polyhedral nature of this new conception of immersiveness makes necessary to resignify this concept and its scope in our daily lives. Through the spectator, screen and virtual reality elements, we reflect on the different facets of immersion and its
degrees of depth today.

Author Biography

María del Mar Aragó, Polytechnic university of Valencia

The concept of immersion is no longer specific, but rather embodies a complexity that is linked to the context of real-digital mystification. The polyhedral nature of this new conception of the immersive requires a new meaning of this concept and its scope in our daily life. Through elements such as the viewer, the screen and media such as virtual reality, we reflect on the different facets of immersion and its degrees of depth today.


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How to Cite

Aragó, M. del M. . (2022). New space-times. Immersivity in the digital age. ASRI. Art and Society. Journal for Research in Arts and Digital Humanities, (21), 72–83.