Humanity and Uncertaninty




Humanity, Uncertainty


With these lines we want to present this new volume 19 of the ASRI magazine. Art and Society. It is difficult to evade the events that we are experiencing due to the COVID-19 pandemic and that affects all orders of our lives in very different ways. For this reason, and despite the difficulties of all kinds, we are very pleased to present this number that, in a certain way, aspires to the continuation and normality so longed for. As we pointed out in this issue's call for contributions, it's all happening very fast. Virilio's concept of acceleration –and the global accident– have taken shape on a planetary scale, so that the pandemic has placed us at the same time and globally in a multitude of spaces and places, including the spaces of thinking and writing. From the research objectives of the ASRI magazine, we have wanted to join it by inviting authors to reflect and give a place or an attempted response, through art and the humanities, to everything that, in a digital existence , still constitutes us as human beings.

Author Biographies

Battaner Moro, E., Rey Juan Carlos University

She has a PhD in Hispanic Philology from the University of Salamanca. She is currently a University Professor at the Rey Juan Carlos University in the area of General Linguistics. Her research revolves around different areas of Digital Humanities and she is a member of the LIYNMEDIA (Linguistics and New Media) and ARENALab research groups. Her research revolves around historiography, lexical study and the study of voice.

A. López Iniesta, J., Rey Juan Carlos University

He is a Doctor of Fine Arts from the University of Castilla La Mancha, a designer and artist specializing in electronic interfaces and computer art. He is Professor of Drawing (on leave) JCCM and is currently Visiting Professor at the Rey Juan Carlos University (Madrid) in the area of Architectural Graphic Expression (Interactive Design and Projects). He is a member of the LIYNMEDIA (Linguistics and New Media), GIC (Cultural Interfaces Group) and ARENALab research groups. His research revolves around the relationship between art and cybernetics.

Juan Alonso y Elena Battaner



How to Cite

Battaner Moro, E., & A. López Iniesta, J. (2022). Humanity and Uncertaninty. ASRI. Art and Society. Journal for Research in Arts and Digital Humanities, (19), 1–2.