Timeless time. Becoming postpresnt





Postpresent, Transformation, transit, Desire


Thinking post-present is a contemporary challenge for philosophy. Altered times of technology dissolve the past and the future, becoming post-present. Specially expressed in Digital Eros.

Author Biography

Rojas Parma, L., Andrés Bello Catholic University

She has a doctorate in philosophy from the Simón Bolívar University. She has a master's degree in philosophy from the Universidad de Los Andes. She is a full professor at the Andrés Bello Catholic University (UCAB) in Caracas, Venezuela. She professor of Greek philosophy in Master's and Doctorate; Researcher at the UCAB Humanistic Research and Training Center. She coordinator of the research line in Greek philosophy, and member of the research line in digital culture. She is the author of several publications in classical philosophy, philosophy and literature and digital culture. She is the author, among other publications, of “De amore: Socrates and Alcibíades, at Plato's Symposium” (2011); “Deciding life: The myth of Er, in Plato's Republic”; “The return of the Aurora” (2016); From failure to dawn: the dark origins of knowledge” (2016); “Eros in front of the mirror: about love and knowledge” (2017); “The Fiction of the Beautiful: Digital Eros” (2019); “Callas in Concert”: About the Hologram, Memory and Presence” (2020); “We have defeated oblivion: on digital immortality” (2020).


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Gadamer, H.-G. (1991). La actualidad de lo bello. Paidós.

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Nietzsche, F. (1988). La genealogía de la moral. Alianza.

Nietzsche, F. (2003). Así habló Zaratustra. Alianza.

Parménides. (1998). De Tales a Demócrito. Alianza.

Platón. (1997). Banquete. Gredos.

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Rojas Parma, L. (2019). The Fiction of The Beautiful, Dialogue and Universalism, 29(2).

Rojas Parma, L. (2020). Callas in Concert: sobre el holograma, el recuerdo y la presencia. Revista de Filosofía, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 45(2)

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Rojas Parma, R. Portrait



How to Cite

Rojas Parma, L. (2021). Timeless time. Becoming postpresnt. ASRI. Art and Society. Journal for Research in Arts and Digital Humanities, (19), 56–66. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7648912