Eros. Fragment and Presence




Eros, Virtuality, Time, poetry, word


This paper proposes a poetic reflection of the experience of eros in the virtual environment. It is built from words, gestures, and imagination, inhabiting a space in which all times converge.

Author Biography

María Di Muro, Humanistic Research and Training Center, UCAB, Venezuela

She is a researcher in the area of literature and digital culture at the Humanistic Research and Training Center of the Andrés Bello Catholic University, in Caracas, Venezuela. She is also a professor of Introduction to Literary Studies and Classical Literature at the same university.


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Di Muro, M. Portrait



How to Cite

Di Muro, M. (2021). Eros. Fragment and Presence. ASRI. Art and Society. Journal for Research in Arts and Digital Humanities, (19), 67–78.