Contrinutions of feminist film theory for the analysis of pornography




Feminist film theory, psychoanalysis,, self-representation, semiotic modelling,, pornography


The present article shows some of the most relevant theoretical axes of feminist film theory from the 70's and 80's are available for the analysis of pornographic cultural production, contextualizing the contemporary social debate also as part of an wider itinerary of thought regarding language, representation and its relationship with the construction of human subjectivity.

Author Biography

Corrales Devesa, A., Polytechnic university of Valencia

Andrea Corrales Devesa (Alicante, 1988) is a visual artist, performer, activist for sexual dissidence and researcher. She graduated in Fine Arts (UCLM), she studied the Master in Research in Artistic and Visual Practices (UCLM) and the PEI-Independent Studies Program (MACBA). A doctoral student in Communication and Cultural Industries (UPV), she combines her research, artistic and activist activities in an integrative way, resulting in projects that reflect on feminized work, public images, the policies of audiovisual montage and its industries, pornography and performance limits. Her work has been exhibited in several countries, as well as inside and outside artistic spaces, always seeking the contagion of knowledge and formal / structural experimentation. She has recently closed "The material dimension of the pornographic image" at the CCCC (Valencia), a sample of her research on the materiality (and materials) of the online pornographic image. Her projects are always close to the political urgencies of the present, providing necessary knots between artistic practice and context, as well as work from critical thinking in constant dialogue with social movements.


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Andrea Corral Portrait



How to Cite

Corrales Devesa, andrea. (2021). Contrinutions of feminist film theory for the analysis of pornography. ASRI. Art and Society. Journal for Research in Arts and Digital Humanities, (19), 79–92.