Collaborative artistic practice in times of Covid 19



  • Lazaga, N. University of La Rioja



Collaborative Art, calisueñagramas, Cervantes Insitute, Covid 19, Virtual Spaces


The article analyzes the collaborative Project called “Calisueñagramas”. The performance was developed during Covid- 19 confinement. Artistic action is proposed here as a tool for transformation and social participation, and the virtual space as a global collective meeting place.

Author Biography

Lazaga, N., University of La Rioja

She has a doctorate in Fine Arts (UCM). Throughout his career as an artist, he has lived in different countries and researched on different languages ​​and cultures: Egypt, Japan, the Dominican Republic, holding numerous individual and collective, national and international exhibitions in Institutions, Museums and Galleries (Fundación Juan March, Madrid ; Cervantes Institute, Tokyo; La Caja Negra, Madrid; ARCO, Cervantes Institute, Dehli, India; Paper Museum, Mino, Japan; Central America: AECID...). She has created and curated international collective projects for MAEC / AECID and has given lectures on Eastern and Western art and collaborative artistic practices (Speaker's Forum Indian Art Fair 2015). In that spirit of collaboration and relationship between art and society, she has worked on art and perception research projects with hospitals. Since 2014 she is also dedicated to teaching. In this field, she has participated in teacher training in training and innovation centers and in international educational projects with the general sub directorate of evaluation and analysis of the Community of Madrid and the OECD / CERI (Centre for Educational Research and Innovation). She is currently a full professor in the Area of ​​Didactics of Plastic and Visual Arts in the Faculty of Education of the International University of La Rioja (UNIR).


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Noni Lazaga Portrait



How to Cite

Lazaga, N. (2021). Collaborative artistic practice in times of Covid 19 : Calisueñagramas. ASRI. Art and Society. Journal for Research in Arts and Digital Humanities, (19), 93–101.