Educating in the New Visual Processes

Abstraction and metaphor in the digital microscopy




Array, visual metaphor, Iconicity, Augmented reality, Microscopy


We expose the most relevant features of digital micrography for an artistic and educational reading; we begin by understanding these scientific-technical images, for further epistemological and aesthetic analysis. This visual corpus allows to show the image as a process and as a device of knowledge, and not just an appearance. The ability of micrography to translate and convert information into visual metaphors, gives it a growing interest for research and practice in Visual Arts.

Author Biography

Javier Domínguez Muñino, Leon University

Javier Domínguez Muñino has a doctorate from the University of Seville with a thesis on Art, Science and Technology, DEA in Visual Arts and Education, and a Bachelor of Fine Arts. He has worked as a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Aesthetics and History of Philosophy at the University of Seville, where he has coordinated the subjects "Aesthetics and Technology" and "Art and Thought in Invisible Matter" among others; and he has served as Acting Professor in the Department of Art Education. He has been a professor at the Faculty of Communication, at the Faculty of Philosophy, at the Higher Polytechnic School of Engineering, and at the Faculty of Educational Sciences, in Seville. Subsequently, he has been an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Education of the University of León, where he has coordinated the area of ​​Didactics of Plastic and Visual Expression. He is a member of the Department of Institutional Relations of the Fundación Internacional Artecittà. And he belongs to the Spanish Society of Aesthetics and Theory of the Arts.


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Javier Domínguez Portrait



How to Cite

Domínguez Muñino, J. (2020). Educating in the New Visual Processes: Abstraction and metaphor in the digital microscopy. ASRI. Art and Society. Journal for Research in Arts and Digital Humanities, (18), 4–18.