Learn Playing





video game, Interaction, Education, Learning, CRA


Grouped Rural Primary School (CRA) it requires practices and dynamics different to urban schools. That’s why we assume different work methods. We will develop a videogame that reinforces learning and developing of intellectual capacities in an autonomous way, where each pupil/user will choose and build their own knowledge path.

Author Biographies

Sylvia Molina, Castilla la Mancha University (UCLM)

She has a doctorate in Fine Arts from the Complutense University of Madrid. She is currently a professor of art and new technologies at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the UCLM (Cuenca). Since the 1990s, she has been researching and developing projects focused on the area of ​​interaction, creating and researching visual and sound projects. Her work is developed around 5 concepts: Human Interfaces, Fuzzy Logic, Kintsugui as well as in the field of New Educational Paradigms and Synesthesia between image and sound. These interests are linked to the concepts of the research groups: 'INDEVOL' (she co-founded (2006-2014) INterfaces, Dinamicas and EVOLutivas) and since 2015 principal investigator of the R + D + i research group 'FUZZY GAB .4'. Some of her most notable stays have been at the ZKM in Karlsruhe (D), Riverbed Company for the Robert Wilson project in New York City, as well as at the i-DAT in Plymouth (UK). She has also exhibited, given lectures and participated in concerts in Spain, Germany, Mexico, Portugal, Poland, Slovenia and Romania.

María Dolores Lozano, Castilla la Mancha University (UCLM)

She is Head of the University of the Computer Systems Department of the Higher School of Computer Engineering of Albacete at the University of Castilla-La Mancha since 2003. She has a degree and a PhD in computer science from the Polytechnic University of Valencia. She co-directs the Interactive Systems Engineering (ISE Research Group) research group belonging to the Computer Research Institute of Albacete. She is currently in charge of the coordination of the Bilingual Modality of the Degree in Computer Engineering. Her teaching and research areas focus on Software Engineering and Human-Computer Interaction (HCI). She has participated in more than 20 competitive R+D+i projects both at a national and regional level, as well as in several technology transfer contracts with companies in the sector. She is the author of more than 100 publications in impact-rated journals, books, book chapters, and international and national conferences. She has been a guest editor for several special editions of journals indexed in the Journal Citation Report. She has participated in the organization of numerous international conferences in her research area. Her lines of research include the development of interactive systems, distributed user interfaces, natural interfaces, and affective computing.

Enkarni Jiménez, Castilla la Mancha University (UCLM)

Enkarni Jimenez. Visual artist and freelance graphic designer. Her work lies in providing creative solutions to visual ideas, considering originality and the impact produced by reading a text or an image to be very important. She is currently in the last year of the degree in fine arts at UCLM with a mention in developments in New Media and Graphic Communication. During this period she collaborated as a graphic designer in "Transportarte portable museum" and was awarded a scholarship for the summer school, STAY IN TOUCH project with Athens School of Fine Arts (Greece), Tischner European University (Krakow, Poland) and University of Information Technology and Management (Rzeszów, Poland) with whom he obtained innovative training on socially responsible design. Her artistic and written production stems from a great interest in the most traditional aspects of her environment, popular culture and collective memory through imaginary or rituals. From this breeding ground is born her research on her illustrated identity and her political discourse in the Spanish copla with which she has had the opportunity to exhibit in various cultural spaces such as Zapadores. City of art. accompanying Música Dispersa Experimental, or participating in the X Congress of Textual Analysis Plot and Background Of how the copla sings the woman's desire.

Gabriel Sebastián, Castilla la Mancha University (UCLM)

He obtained his bachelor's degree from the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV), and his doctorate from the University of Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM), both degrees in Computer Science. His main research interests are Multimedia, Human-Computer Interaction and Software Engineering. He has participated in the development of many projects related to Distributed User Interfaces and Model-Based Development of User Interfaces, using the Web as the implementation platform. He has published more than 20 research articles and book chapters in international journals and conferences. Currently, he works as a Project Manager in the Interactive Systems Engineering research group. He is a doctoral student at the Department of Computer Systems (Albacete Higher School of Computer Engineering) at UCLM and a researcher at the Albacete Computer Research Institute (I3A) in Albacete, Spain.


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Silvia_María_Enkarni_Gabriel Portrait



How to Cite

Molina, S. ., Lozano, M. D., Jiménez, E., & Sebastián, G. (2020). Learn Playing. ASRI. Art and Society. Journal for Research in Arts and Digital Humanities, (18), 36–47. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7654379