Investigation of audiovisual narrative paradigms in educational environments with gifted students

Paradigms of Digital Visual Narrative




Media Literacy, Video Art, digital technologies, Interdisciplinary, Artistic Practices


The present research is developed within the need to contribute to society with tools for the media literacy of individuals and their relationship with the arts, as an answer to the new educational and technological paradigm that is taking place in Spain. We will analyze the results of an educational methodology of the media skills through video), developed in non-formal education for students of high intellectual capacities of 3rd ESO, based on comparative research.

Author Biographies

Isidro López Aparicio, Granada University

He is full professor at the University of Granada in the Faculty of Fine Arts. Member of the Peace and Conflict Research Institute. Honorary President of the Fine Art European Forum. Director of the HUM 653 Research Group. Doctor of Fine Arts and Master in Environmental Management. Spokesperson of the Sectorial Table of Contemporary Art. Teachers in the Master's Degree in Drawing: Illustration, comics and audiovisual creation, Master's Degree in Production and Research in Art, Master's Degree in culture of peace, conflicts, education and human rights. He has taught and developed his research in more than fifty public and private institutions on five continents. His professional work is developed from a strong social activism in the defense of human rights from education and artistic creation. Among his latest books that have had a great impact is: Political Art and Social Commitment. Art as a creative transformation of conflicts, CENDEAC, 2017.

Cuéllar Santiago, F., Miguel Hernández Unversity

He is a proactive and multidisciplinary professional with training and specialization in audiovisuals, education, editorial and web design. He develops creative and innovative activities for advertising, editorial and marketing projects within the editorial project Puntodepapel ( On the other hand, he works as a producer and editor for the production company Pulsarec ( He is an associate professor at the Miguel Hernández University of Elche within the Department of Arts. He received his doctorate Cum Laude in Fine Arts from the University of Granada in 2019, within the Department of History and Arts. He teaches training courses for Infant, Primary and Secondary teachers for environments related to creativity and audiovisuals, within different Teacher Training Centers in Extremadura, Madrid and Murcia. In addition, he teaches training courses for high capacity students in the Region of Murcia, in the primary and secondary cycles; project belonging to the Department of Education and Science of the Region.


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Lopez Aparicio y Francisco Cuellar



How to Cite

López Aparicio, I., & Cuéllar Santiago, F. (2020). Investigation of audiovisual narrative paradigms in educational environments with gifted students: Paradigms of Digital Visual Narrative. ASRI. Art and Society. Journal for Research in Arts and Digital Humanities, (18), 79–96.