The interactive multimedia video article

An Innovative Format for the Scientific Community




Scientific communication, video article,, IMRaD, e-learning, audiovisual production


The study explains the creative process to compose an innovative scientific communication product: Interactive Multimedia Video Article. The result is a pilot product based on the IMRaD research format and represents an alternative to the traditional research article.

Author Biographies

Juan Romero Luís, Rey Juan Carlos University

He is hired as a predoctoral fellow for the National University Teacher Training Program (FPU) at the Rey Juan Carlos University. After finishing the master's degree in UX: Usability, Interaction Design and User Experience at the Pompeu Fabra University (UPF) in Barcelona (Barcelona School of Management), Romero-Luis entered the doctoral school at the Rey Juan Carlos University, at the same time working as a researcher in the Department of Communication Sciences as a member of the Cyberimaginary Research Group. This happens after a couple of years working as a user experience and multimedia designer, autonomously, for different companies, among which the URJC Online Center for Innovation in Digital Education stands out. In 2014 he graduated in Journalism and Audiovisual Communication from the same university where he is now doing research. In 2013 he enjoys a grant that allows him to complete one academic year in Italy, at the Università degli studi di Roma Tre. In 2008 he finished his professional training in Image and, after years dedicated to gaining experience, in 2011 he completed a Master's degree in graphic design at Aula Creativa in Madrid.

Alejandro Carbonell-Alcocer, Rey Juan Carlos University

He holds a predoctoral contract for the Youth Employment Operational Program and the Youth Employment Initiative (YEI) of the Community of Madrid at the Rey Juan Carlos University. In 2018 he is admitted to the doctoral program in Social and Legal Sciences in the Communication line of the Rey Juan Carlos University. Teaching and communication capture his interest due to the great creative possibilities and personal growth they offer. He manages to combine these areas by completing the Master's Degree in Teacher Training in the specialty of processes and audiovisual communication, linking his Master's Thesis with the "Escuelas Comciencia" project, beginning to work together with the Ciberimaginario research group. In 2017 he successfully passed the degree in Audiovisual Communication at the Rey Juan Carlos University. In 2016 he carried out the degree internship at the Center for Innovation and Digital Education of the Rey Juan Carlos University, working on the design and illustration of the massive online courses and the URJC Online Teaching Innovation Conference. His technical skills allow him to develop internships at the IES Puerta Bonita, teaching classes in the professional training module for the Higher Technician in Lighting, Capture and Image Processing in subjects related to taking and processing images.

Manuel Gertrudix Barrio, Rey Juan Carlos University

Manuel Gértrudix Barrio is Professor of Digital Communication at the Rey Juan Carlos University, coordinator of the Ciberimaginario research group, and co-editor of the scientific magazine Icono14. Specialist in communication and digital training, he has participated in seventeen national and international competitive research projects and has extensive scientific production with more than 50 publications including research articles, book chapters and monographs. He is currently Vice-rector for Quality, Ethics and Good Governance at the URJC (2018-current) and has been academic director of the URJC Center for Innovation in Digital Education (2013-2017), technical adviser for New Technologies (2003-2007) and Head of the Distance Education Service of the Ministry of Education. He has been an associate professor at the Complutense University of Madrid (1999-2002), the Francisco de Vitoria University (1999-2003) and the Carlos III University of Madrid (2003-2007). Since 2017 he is a collaborating professor of the Doctorate in Innovation, Communication and Educational Technologies of the ESAE of the Latin American Institute of Educational Culture (Mexico). He has carried out research stays in the USA at the University of Central Florida and in Scotland at the University of Stirling, and teaching in Argentina at the National University of Córdoba, in Colombia, at the Universidad del Norte, and in Brazil at the UDESC.


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Juan_Alejandro_Gertrudix Portrait



How to Cite

Romero Luís, J., Carbonell-Alcocer, A., & Gertrudix Barrio, M. (2020). The interactive multimedia video article: An Innovative Format for the Scientific Community. ASRI. Art and Society. Journal for Research in Arts and Digital Humanities, (18), 97–117.