Mobile Film.

Fiction or Reality?




Mobile Film, mobile phone, independent cinema, fourth screen, cinema future


This article discusses the possibilities of making a cinema with the mobile phone through the exposure of the most relevant cases of feature films made with mobile phones in recent years. This technology has undergone changes of such caliber that today it is presented as a very interesting alternative to the conventional camera. And it is in independent cinema, where it promises to obtain its greatest development in the coming years, being able to consolidate, soon, as a new option to film and distribute films through conventional screens or those of the own devices.

Author Biography

Nuria Pradilla Barrero, Complutense University of Madrid

She has a doctorate in Audiovisual Communication and works as an associate professor in the Audiovisual area at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the Complutense University of Madrid. She has worked in film and television and, currently, she combines her teaching work with the development of audiovisual projects and research in the field of Audiovisual Communication and, in particular, in experimental cinema and video art.


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Nuria Pradilla Portrait



How to Cite

Pradilla Barrero, N. (2020). Mobile Film. : Fiction or Reality?. ASRI. Art and Society. Journal for Research in Arts and Digital Humanities, (18), 134–146.