The narration of the Video Game in the labyrinth of the Mise en Abyme"




videogame, hypertex, mise en abyme, characters, narrative labyrinth


Video games incorporate into traditional storytelling the ability to tell stories through actions carried out by player characters. This is only possible because video game narration has taken new expressive paths along which to make its stories travel: as opposed to the linearity of paths traced in a single direction, typical of classic exercises, the labyrinth of paths in multiple directions specific to the video game, and whose interpretation is finally carried out by the player-character, only after an intricate exercise of "mise en abyme".

Author Biographies

Mar Marcos, Complutense University of Madrid

She is a Full Professor at the Complutense University of Madrid (Faculty of Information Sciences) where she teaches the subjects of Audiovisual Narrative and Actor Direction. He has given seminars on analysis of the photographic and cinematographic image in national and international courses and congresses and has published books such as "General history of the image" (2007), "Aesthetic elements of cinema" (2009) or "History of cinema" ( 2016). In 2007 he incorporated the study of technologies into his research through the study of videogames from the fields of narrative, rhetoric, staging and connection with the user, publishing different articles on Videogames, narration and education and directing in 2010 the "I International Videogame Congress", in 2014 the "Conferences on Videogames and Women", in 2016 "Videogames and cinema" and in 2018 "Utopia, post-truth and videogames", all at the UCM. She is currently the director of CREAV Center for Support for Research in Audiovisual and Digital Content for Teaching and Research where she develops her research project on the Dissemination of Science and Technology.

Michael santorum, Complutense University of Madrid

He is a Doctor in Information Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid. His professional career began at Pyro Studios, where between 2000 and 2003 he worked on the development of “Commandos 2” and “Commandos 3”. In 2006 he joined the MercurySteam studio, participating in the development of "Clive Barker's Jericho", "Castlevania: Lords of Shadow" and "Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2". In 2013, tired of "pixelated violence", he joined the team at Tequila Works, an independent game studio, as a designer, where he has worked on the development of "RiME", a game that talks about loss and how to overcome it, "The Invisible Hours," a cross-platform virtual reality experience in the style of Agatha Christie's mystery novels, and "Groundhog Day: Like Father Like Son," a virtual reality sequel to the film "Groundhog in Time." Professor in the Master's Degree in Video Games at the Complutense University of Madrid since 2005, his interest in the academic world led him to organize, together with Professor Mar Marcos, the 1st International Congress of Video Games at the Complutense University, under the heading "How to tell stories by pressing a button” to give lectures at international events on narrative in videogames.


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Mar y Michael Portrait



How to Cite

Marcos, M., & santorum, M. (2020). The narration of the Video Game in the labyrinth of the Mise en Abyme". ASRI. Art and Society. Journal for Research in Arts and Digital Humanities, (18), 207–218.