Magical Spaces, Hybrid Spiritualities: Religious Implications in Digital Contemporary


  • Victoria Dos Santos Torino University. Italia.



Digital religion, Videogames, Ritual, Avatar, Performance, Sacred Space


This contribution seeks to analyze the existing dialogues between religious practice and the universe of video games in order to explore how contemporary spiritual manifestations are articulated and experienced in the online context, thus producing transformative experiences.

Author Biography

Victoria Dos Santos , Torino University. Italia.

This contribution aims at analyzing the existing dialogues between the religious practice and the universe of digital games, to explore how the spiritual contemporary manifestations are articulated and experienced in the online context, producing transformative experiences.  


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DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199935420.013.8

Victoria Dos Santos



How to Cite

Dos Santos , V. . (2021). Magical Spaces, Hybrid Spiritualities: Religious Implications in Digital Contemporary. ASRI. Art and Society. Journal for Research in Arts and Digital Humanities, (19), 23–33.