Misinformation, visual manipulation and representation of migration on Twitter: analysys of Aquarius Case





misinformation, Image, Photography, Twitter, X


This work analyzes the role of images as a vehicle for the spread of misinformation related to migration on the social media platform Twitter, as well as the characteristics associated with the images used in such processes. To do this, a corpus composed of 321,585 tweets published during the days when Twitter conversations about the rescue and reception of migrants were most intense was analyzed.

Building upon this analysis, the characterization of images used as a support for misinformation on social media is addressed, highlighting examples of different categories and analyzing, using a descriptive-qualitative methodology, how images can be manipulated or taken out of their original context to support false information.

The results of this study demonstrate that a significant portion of information about migrations exchanged on Twitter relies on visually-oriented content, with photography being the most commonly used medium. Additionally, the importance of developing verification tools based on reverse image search is emphasized as a key measure to combat misinformation on social media.

Author Biographies

Angel Fernández, The CORE. (UNIE Collaborating Center)

Vice Dean of Faculty at The Core Entertainment Science School / International Business University (UNIE). Three songs. Madrid Spain). Doctor in Communication from the European University of Madrid (UEM) with the doctoral thesis titled Hybrid Stories: The role of narrativity in the visualization of interactive information. Graduated in Fine Arts, throughout his teaching career he has taught subjects related to data visualization, multimedia design, and digital aesthetics and culture. His line of research focuses on the study of digital narratives based on data and the cultural impact of new technologies. He has been a visiting professor at the Santa Fe University of Art and Design (SFUAD) in Santa Fe, New Mexico, United States. amfernandez@thecoreschool.com


Lucía Andaluz Antón, European University

PhDegree in Biomedicine and Health Sciences, Master's Degree in Digital Journalism and Social Networks. Her lines of research focus on new social media, verification and/or fact-checking journalism techniques, misinformation and hoaxes on social networks, and Edtech trends for Media Literacy in the classroom. On the above topics, she has attended various national and international conferences, and has published scientific articles and book chapters. He belongs to the internal research group SUADE - Rhetoric in the media of the Digital Society, which forms a core of professors from the fields of Communication, Education and the Humanities from various universities such as the Complutense, the UNIE or the European University of Madrid. She has been part of the Scientific Committee of the Magazine “Criticae-Scientific Magazine for the Promotion of Critical Thinking” since 2022 and participates as a researcher in the UEM research groups “INMIGRA3-CM” subsidized by the Department of Education and Research of the Community of Madrid and by the European Social Fund. In addition to being a professor of the degrees in Journalism, Audiovisual Communication and Advertising and various master's degrees, she is director of the department of online Undergraduate and Postgraduate Programs at the Faculty of CC. Social and Communication Studies at the European University of Madrid. marialucia.andaluz@universidadeuropea.es

Javier Pérez Sánchez, European University

PhDegree in Communication. Researcher in the television field, both in format innovation, television programming and political communication on television. Professor at the European University of Madrid since 2009, he has directed the master's degree in Motion Graphics Canal +, and currently directs the master's degree in Audiovisual Content Creation and Management at Mediaset España. Researcher in the Mediaflows Group of the University of Valencia, he participates in a research project at the Complutense University of Madrid and researcher in the Suade Group of the European University. Furthermore, given his professional experience on national and international television channels, he is a member of the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences of Spain. javier.perez@universidadeuropea.es


Almudena Revilla Guijarro, European University

PhDegree in Information Sciences at Complutense University of Madrid. Professor in Literary Creation and Communication at the European University of Madrid. She is a researcher in the UE-Media group of the INMIGRA3-CM project and in the internal UE project Monitoring and analysis of the discursive characterization of migration stories on Twitter. She is a founding member of the DILE (Spanish Language and Speech) Research Group at the UAM. almudena.revilla@universidadeuropea.es



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Ángel Fernandez; Lucía Andaluz; Javier Pérez; Almudena Revilla



How to Cite

Fernández, A., Andaluz Antón, L. ., Pérez Sánchez, J., & Revilla Guijarro, A. (2023). Misinformation, visual manipulation and representation of migration on Twitter: analysys of Aquarius Case. ASRI. Art and Society. Journal for Research in Arts and Digital Humanities, (24), 15–31. https://doi.org/10.33732/ASRI.6356