The representation of the past as a narrative form of hope in natural disasters

Analysis of the Chilean press for the 1960 and 2010 earthquakes



Myths, News, Narrative, Chile, Earthquake


This research addresses the study of the journalistic contents published in the Chilean press about the earthquakes of 1960 and 2010 in order to explore how each new telluric event is represented from the reminiscence of the previous one. A total of 250 newspaper articles were analyzed using a qualitative methodology that observed the temporal order of the narratives, specifically, the use of analepsis, in order to detect the reference to previous earthquakes. The study revealed that Chilean journalistic stories of the 1960 and 2010 earthquakes resorted to the representation of the past as a narrative form of hope, to remember that after the scourge of nature there will be a new rebirth. This narrative form responds to the configuration of a Chilean telluric myth.

Author Biographies

Margarita Mönckeberg Díaz, Andes University

PhD in Communication from the University of the Andes (Chile). Academic Master's Degree in Communication from the University of the Andes (Chile), Master's Degree in Humanities from the Adolfo Ibáñez University (Chile). Currently, she works as a professor at the Faculty of Communication of the University of the Andes (Chile). Her research focuses on Narrative Journalism and on the line of research on myth & news.              

Tomás Atarama-Rojas, Piura University

He holds a PhD in Communication from the Universidad de los Andes (Chile), an academic master's degree in Communication from the Universidad de los Andes (Chile), a master's degree in Audiovisual Scriptwriting from the International University of La Rioja (Spain), a degree in Communication and a bachelor's degree in Philosophy from the University of Piura (Peru). Currently, he is director, researcher and professor of the Audiovisual Communication program at the Faculty of Communication at the University of Piura (Peru). He is an international professor of the Master's in Creative Communication and Emerging Media at the Externado University (Colombia) and of the Master's in Strategic Communication, Marketing and Business at the Universidad del Desarrollo (Chile). He is a visiting professor at the Universidad Panamericana (Guadalajara Campus, Mexico). In 2020, he was a Visiting Researcher at the Center for Internet Studies and Digital Life at the University of Navarra (Spain). And in 2019, he was a fellow of the Digital Influencer Inspiring Youth Engagement Program of the United States Department of State. Author of more than fifty scientific articles and presentations at international conferences. Specialist in transmedia narrative and corporate storytelling. Consultant and speaker on communication and strategic management issues for value creation.      


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Retrato doble Margarita Mönckeberg_Tomás Atarama



How to Cite

Mönckeberg Díaz, M., & Atarama-Rojas, T. (2024). The representation of the past as a narrative form of hope in natural disasters: Analysis of the Chilean press for the 1960 and 2010 earthquakes. ASRI. Art and Society. Journal for Research in Arts and Digital Humanities, (26), 51–65. Retrieved from