The meaurement Goya's house and his Black Paintings in their original enviroment




The Black Paintings house


This research addresses the original rooms of Goya's house where he made the Black

Author Biographies

Foradada Baldellou, C., Zaragoza University

He has a doctorate in Fine Arts from the Polytechnic University of Valencia (Extraordinary Doctorate Award). Full Professor at the University of Zaragoza in the degree of Fine Arts, Faculty of Social and Human Sciences. He exhibits at events in Europe and the United States, such as Stockholm Art Fair or Art Chicago, and in eight editions of the ARCO Fair. He has made monographic exhibitions in galleries in Valencia, Madrid and Barcelona. He is a researcher at the Institute of Heritage and Humanities (University of Zaragoza). It is part of the Segeda and Celtiberia R+D+i projects, interdisciplinary research of a territory, Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (DGICYT) and the reference research group "Aragonese Observatory of Art in the Public Sphere" (University of Zaragoza) where is the IP of the project that has given rise to the International Congress on Art, Heritage and Technology in the Digital Age, Zaragoza, 2018. Sponsored by the Vice-rectorate for Scientific Policy of the University of Zaragoza.

Narbaiza Dorado, C. M., Zaragoza University

He was born in Zaragoza on May 14, 1982. Graduated in Fine Arts with Extraordinary Prize from the University of Zaragoza (2010-2014). Visual artist specialized in the creative elaboration of art value propositions and new technologies for the advertising field, with 22 years of experience as an illustrator, graphic designer, web designer and 3D modeler. Recent years have been dedicated to the design, coordination and supervision of the production of extended reality (XR) experiences for international brands, forming part of the staff of companies such as: Secuoya Nexus, art director and coordinator of the virtual reality area ( 2017-2019); La Frontera VR, art director (2019-2020); and in 360 Grados Producciones as creative director (2020).

Luis Tello, J. J., Zaragoza University

He is a Professor at the University of Zaragoza in the Degree in Fine Arts and is pursuing a Doctorate at the University of Murcia. He is a specialist in the development of immersive interactive environments, and in 2D and 3D computer generated graphics and animation. He has been awarded multiple times for his developments both in the field of culture and heritage and in digital leisure. His research revolves around the design and (re) creation of highly interactive virtual spaces, especially in the graphic aspect, from lighting to the generation of PBRs, 3D models and their animation.

Burgos Risco, A., Zaragoza University

He has a doctorate in Fine Arts from the University of Murcia (Extraordinary Doctorate Award), director, screenwriter and professor at the University of Zaragoza (coordinator of the Degree in Fine Arts). He has directed the University of Murcia documentaries. One hundred years of publications (1915-2015); The memory of the hands. Echoes of the pedagogical legacy of C. Freinet in Murcia (2015); Pedro Cano – Travel Notebooks (2016); The border that unites. The origin of the lands of Los Manuel” (2019), Lesson by Pepe Molina on transparency and the right to know: for a youth with a future under construction” (2021); and The loneliness of those who do not exist (2022).


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Retratos de Carlos Foradada-CArlos Narbaiza, J_Javier Luís Tello, Alfonso Burgos



How to Cite

Foradada Baldellou, C., Narbaiza Dorado, C. M., Luis Tello, J. J., & Burgos Risco, A. (2021). The meaurement Goya’s house and his Black Paintings in their original enviroment. ASRI. Art and Society. Journal for Research in Arts and Digital Humanities, (20), 52–81.