Virus. Poetics of Transgression




virus, poetics, contemporary aesthetic, postpresnt


The article explores, based on Nietzsche's idea of "new infinity", the properties of contemporary space and time in aesthetic discourses. Likewise, it addresses the poetics of the virus as an infection and the strategies that correspond to it.

Author Biography

Valdivieso, H., Andrés Bello Catholic University

Ph.D in Humanities. Researcher at the Humanistic Research and Training Center of the Andrés Bello Catholic University. Professor of the Postgraduate in Philosophy and the School of Letters of the UCAB. Coordinator of the Digital Culture research line. Member of the International Association of Art Critics (AICA). Author of various publications on semiotics, contemporary art and digital culture. Among the most recent is the book The mobility of the present: Aesthetics, space and time in the contemporary (2019) and the articles Reading, hunting and dialogue: strategies for design and social innovation (2019), Unsatisfied with Space Hyper–Readers in the Cybercosm of the 21st Century (2020), Pain and illness of COVID-19 or the tragedy of human (in) perfectibility.


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Valdivieso, H. Portrait



How to Cite

Valdivieso, H. (2021). Virus. Poetics of Transgression. ASRI. Art and Society. Journal for Research in Arts and Digital Humanities, (19), 45–55.