Paleoartistic study on the Tyrannosaurus Rex in the audiovisual industry


  • Javier Tapia Gutiérrez University of Murcia
  • Mayor Iborra, J. University of Murcia



Paleoart, Scientific drawing, Comparative Anatomy


Tyrannosaurus Rex, as known as ‘T-Rex’, is one of the most recognizable and represented dinosaurs in diverse media. Every design that adheres with paleontological data has a paleoartistic background; this article shows research about the development of the creature within different production companies of the audiovisual industry in order to analyze the reconstruction of tyrannosaurus within the paleoart conceptual framework, so we could infer trends and future projection of its image.

Author Biographies

Javier Tapia Gutiérrez, University of Murcia

(Murcia, 1996). Graduated in Fine Arts at the University of Murcia (2019), Erasmus scholarship at L'Accademia di Belle Arti di Palermo, Italy. He is currently investigating the discipline of paleoart and its different applications. He is a collaborating member of the UMU ZEUS Research Group belonging to the Department of Fine Arts of the University of Murcia.

Contact: Javier Tapia Gutiérrez. C/San Antón 31. Murcia (Murcia). Fine Arts Faculty . Murcia University. Campus de Espinardo.

Mayor Iborra, J., University of Murcia

(Benidorm, 1968). Plastic artist and doctor in Fine Arts from the Polytechnic University of Valencia (2004). Currently Professor of the Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of Murcia.  Investigator of the UMU ZEUS Research Group. His research and artistic activity include poetics related to the human body as axis and meaning, comparative anatomy and scientific drawing.

Contact: José Mayor Iborra. C/ Mudjair, 25. La Nucía (Alicante). Fine Arts Faculty. Murcia University. Campus de Espinardo.


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 Javier Tapia and José Mayor Portrait



How to Cite

Tapia Gutiérrez, J., & Mayor Iborra, J. (2020). Paleoartistic study on the Tyrannosaurus Rex in the audiovisual industry. ASRI. Art and Society. Journal for Research in Arts and Digital Humanities, (18), 165–175.