


José Pijoan, Geneviève Bugnion, Summa Artis, art dissemination, general public


An unpublished text by José Pijoan located at the Hoover Institution is introduced. Pijoan, a disseminator of art history, was the author of a History of Art (Salvat) in three volumes and the seventeen volumes of Summa Artis (Espasa-Calpe). He also published a History of the World (Salvat) in five volumes. The text that remained unpublished dealt with Caravaggio’s life and was intended to be published in 1955 in a series of twelve articles devoted to lives of artists through the press agency of Joaquín Maurín. Its analysis is approached from a methodology compared with his previous production and from a double point of view: from those who edited it and from those who would read it in Latin America. It is concluded that the motivation for the writing and its tone were related to the dissemination of art history among a non-specialized public, in line with the complete work developed by Pijoan. It is pointed to that his wife, Geneviève Bugnion, may have participated in the writing.

Author Biography

Jose Ignacio Gomez Alvarez, National University of Distance Education. UNED

He is a secondary school art history teacher in Toledo, Spain. He is preparing his doctoral thesis at the UNED in the line of research "Uses of the image" on the volumes of José Pijoan de Summa Artis in relation to the general public and the tradition of illustrated books with photomechanical reproductions of works of art, grouped together under the name of paper museums or imaginary museums. He has published an article and a podcast on this type of museum and a dissertation on the history of teaching art history in secondary schools.


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Jose Ignacio Gomez Alvarez



How to Cite

Gomez Alvarez, J. I. (2022). THE DISSEMINATION OF ART HISTORY AMONG THE GENERAL PUBLIC THROUGH AN UNPUBLISHED WORK BY JOSÉ PIJOAN. ASRI. Art and Society. Journal for Research in Arts and Digital Humanities, (22), 18–32.