strategoc desig, socioeconomic paradigms, complex thinking, window of viabilityAbstract
This paper tries to help define the scope of action of strategic design. To this end, a review of the existing literature has been carried out, taking as its axis the relationship between design and socioeconomic systems.
Strategic design has been acquiring increasing notoriety and relevance since the beginning of the 21st century as one of the new design specializations. The systemic vision (systems thinking) is a fundamental pillar, facilitating innovation processes by detecting obsolescence and lever points for change.
The concept of "viability window" allows us to visualize the constant fluctuation between order and disorder in every living system. Further rationalization increases efficiency, but also fragility. While greater diversity and interconnectivity improve resilience, but too much risks stagnation. This scheme is also useful to visualize the action of the strategic design: in the vector that leads to resilience the divergent processes are located and the efficiency guideline includes the convergent processes. This coming and going, this “transfer” between convergence and divergence, has its correspondence in the performance of the strategic design and its work methodologies.
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