Body, Mask and biopolitics. Opacity strategies in the Big Data era.




Biometry, digital panopticon, Opcity, Mask, Facial recognition


The measurement and standardization of bodies has become, in the era of Big Data, a central mechanism of surveillance and biopolitical control. In some contemporary artistic practices that think about the technology-identity intersection, we find discourses on different strategies of resistance to this digital panopticon, which are often articulated around the complexity of the exhibition/concealment binomial.

Author Biographies

Lidia García, University of Murcia

Lidia García García (1989) is a FPU predoctoral researcher in the Department of Art History at the University of Murcia with a thesis on kitsch aesthetics and gender in Digital Art. She graduated in Humanities from the University of Alicante. First national prize in the XV Contest of Introduction to Scientific Research of the Ministry of Education.


Pedro Cruz Sánchez, University of Murcia

Pedro A. Cruz Sánchez (1972) is Professor of Art History at the University of Murcia, art theoretician and critic, and poet. Among his essays, the following stand out: The vigil of the body. Art and bodily experience in contemporary times (2004); Maps of the body. The corporal dimension in contemporary art (2004); Daniel Buren (2006); Passion and political object; A theory of passivity (2013), Body, weightlessness and disease (2014) and Marcel Duchamp. The shadow and the feminine (2016). Between 2001 and 2007, he was director of CENDEAC (Center for Documentation and Advanced Studies of Contemporary Art).


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Lidia García and Pedro Cruz portraits



How to Cite

García, L., & Cruz Sánchez, P. (2019). Body, Mask and biopolitics. Opacity strategies in the Big Data era. ASRI. Art and Society. Journal for Research in Arts and Digital Humanities, (17), 30–43.


