The Digital Deluge. The essential questions of the humanities in the network society.


  • Jaime Repollés U-tad. University of Technology and Design. UCJC



Digital flood, imaginery material of water, Digital Mercurius


Our relationship with the social environment is conditioned by information flows in which digital technologies transform any approach and understanding of cultural phenomena. Transcending analog representation systems, digital culture continually generates, modifies, and transmits textual, visual, and sound content. What is the role of the humanities in today's network societies?

Author Biography

Jaime Repollés, U-tad. University of Technology and Design. UCJC

Jaime Repollés Llauradó. (Madrid, 1976), U-tad, University of Technology and Desing) UCJC has conducted research on contemporary art theory for more than two decades. (in collaboration with Vicente Alemany). At the European Congress of Aesthetics organized at the Museo del Prado in Madrid in 2010, they presented their main line of research entitled "The crisis of analytical aesthetics and the rise of continental aesthetics." Throughout the last decade, he has been developing and publishing numerous studies on the material imaginary in contemporary art, highlighting his analysis of the work of George Didi-Huberman and other European post-structuralist authors who approach contemporary art from a continental aesthetic conception. and multidisciplinary.


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Alemany, V. y Repollés, J. (2013). “La substancia del mito: una recuperación del valor mitológico de las substancias elementales en la creación plástica contemporánea”. En LOSADA, J. M. (Coor): Mito e interdisciplinariedad. Levante Editorial.

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Jaime Repollés Llauradó



How to Cite

Repollés, J. (2019). The Digital Deluge. The essential questions of the humanities in the network society. ASRI. Art and Society. Journal for Research in Arts and Digital Humanities, (17), 77–92.


