Survival and synchrony in digital images. About a certain topicality of the BilderAtlas of Aby Warburg




Aby Warburg, Survival, Cinematic image, Synchrony, Algorithmic image


Aby Warburg produced his BilderAtlas within the framework of the transformations of the technical image, especially cinema. The article relates concepts such as survival, anachrony and synchrony with the appearance of the kinetic image. The way of presenting the images in the BilderAtlas has points in common with the relational and topological logic of digital images. The operational dimension of the image, explored in the Warburgian project, also reappears in digital visual culture. The article defends the topicality of the BilderAtlas to understand the algorithmic condition of the current image, as well as to search for alternatives to the control strategies for which it serves as an instrument.

Author Biography

Sergio Martínez Luna, Carlos III University

Sergio Martínez Luna is a Doctor of Humanities from the Carlos III University of Madrid. He is a professor at the Faculty of Humanities, Communication and Documentation of this university and at the Faculty of Education of the Camilo José Cela University of Madrid. He has also taught at the Antonio de Nebrija University in Madrid, at the University Center for Technology and Digital Art (U-TAD) and at 17, the Institute of Critical Studies (Mexico D.F.). He was a Visiting Scholar at the Institute for Cultural Inquiry (ICON) of the University of Utrecht in 2017. He is a member of the advisory board of the Foundation for the Study of Contemporary Image and Visuality of Santiago de Chile (IVICON). He has published his work in magazines such as Third Text, Artnodes, Laocoonte, Fedro, Escritura e Imagen, Aposta Digital, Caracteres, Efímera, Deforma, Campo de Relámpagos or AIBR.


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Sergio Martínez



How to Cite

Martínez Luna, S. (2019). Survival and synchrony in digital images. About a certain topicality of the BilderAtlas of Aby Warburg. ASRI. Art and Society. Journal for Research in Arts and Digital Humanities, (17), 108–121.


