Lost landscapes of an imaginary North and South





Landscape, Generative Art, Photography, 3D


The introduction of computer programs for the generation of 3D landscapes eliminates the historical relationship with the referent. I establish parallelisms between the creation of the romantic landscape of the 19th century by the painters, together with the photographers who approach the subject of the sublime in the landscape from the origins of photography to the present day, and I submit them to a comparison with reality. generated through computer processes for the creation of landscapes and territories. These new synthetic and hyper-realistic realities replace the traditional way of relating to the landscape. The digital becomes incorporeal, questioning the testimony of the senses.

Author Biography

Luís Castelo Sardina, Complutense University of Madrid

He is a Doctor of Fine Arts and Professor of Photography at the Faculty of Fine Arts. He has given classes and lectures at various private universities such as the European University of Madrid and the Alfonso X el Sabio University, and public ones, such as the Rey Juan Carlos University, the University of Castilla La Mancha, the Miguel Hernández University or abroad such as the National University of Colombia or the Jorge Tadeo Lozano University of Bogotá. He is the author of several books specialized in photography such as Learning photography, From noise to art and The photographic image, among others, and the author of numerous articles published in specialized magazines. Likewise, he is artistically and professionally dedicated to photography. He has numerous individual and collective exhibitions inside and outside Spain, his work being present in various public and private collections and museums such as the Spanish Photography Collection of the Alcobendas City Council, in the Royal Botanical Garden of Madrid, in the Municipal Museum of Madrid, in the International Museum of Electrography of Cuenca and in the Reina Sofía National Museum of Art.


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Luís Castelo Sardina



How to Cite

Castelo Sardina, L. (2019). Lost landscapes of an imaginary North and South. ASRI. Art and Society. Journal for Research in Arts and Digital Humanities, (17), 189–208. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7657033


