Datified cartographies. An artistic proposal for data visualization to highlight environmental emergencies





Data visualization, cartographies, enviromental emergencies, Technology, Artistic methodology


The text analyzes how data visualization can be considered as an artistic methodology that helps to highlight different environmental emergencies in today's society, focusing on the case study of forest fires. Some datified cartographies that, using new technologies and the installation and multimedia artistic process, play an immersive role and new visual possibilities for the field of contemporary artistic experimentation.

Author Biography

Esther Pizarro, European University of Madrid

Esther Pizarro (Madrid, 1967) has a PhD in Fine Arts from the Complutense University of Madrid. She has received scholarships from the Pollock-Krasner Foundation in New York, the Spanish Academy in Rome and the Spanish College in Paris. Between 1996 and 1997, she lived in the United States with a Postdoctoral Grant from the Fulbright Commission and the Ministry of Education and Culture. Her work has been exhibited at: Tabacalera, La Fragua, Madrid; Anton Museum, Candás; La Laboral, Gijón; Slaughterhouse Madrid; Hospital de Sant Pau, Casa Asia, Barcelona; San Telmo Museum, San Sebastian; Royal Mint, Segovia; Tomás y Valiente Art Center (CEART) of Fuenlabrada; and Circle of Fine Arts of Madrid. In recent years, he has carried out numerous installations and interventions in public spaces, whether temporary or permanent, such as the Shanghai World Expo, the Zaragoza Expo, the Mérida Palace of Exhibitions and Congresses or the West Lake Park in Hangzhou. , in China. In the academic field, she has directed the Department of Artistic Creation and Theory of the Arts at the Superior School of Art and Architecture, of the European University of Madrid, during the academic years 2002-2005. She combines her artistic activity with teaching, as a tenured professor at the European University of Madrid. She has been granted three six-year research terms.


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Esther Pizarro



How to Cite

Pizarro, E. (2019). Datified cartographies. An artistic proposal for data visualization to highlight environmental emergencies. ASRI. Art and Society. Journal for Research in Arts and Digital Humanities, (17), 209–222. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7657084


