The Image-Matter as record of the event




Wax, Image, Processes, Registry, Transfer


The digital image, finally, inhabits the physical space of matter in what we call the record of the event, through the processual and conceptual development of a proven and unprecedented methodology of transfer on wax. After this practice, where the matrix is intangible, we reflect on the condition of the contemporary image, through the very creation in which an infinity of data, based on digitized images of photographs, are reconstructed and reinterpreted in a analog/digital transformation process. The transfer links the digitized image to a medium, in this case wax, giving a new meaning to the work.

Author Biographies

Mireia Ávila González, Polytechnic university of Valencia

Mireia Ávila, Benicarló, Castellón, (1992) Researcher and plastic and visual artist who works in Valencia. She graduated in Fine Arts (UPV) and with a Specialization Diploma in Interactive Technologies from the same faculty. Currently, she continues her training in the Doctorate in Art: Production and Research (UPV) program with which she has developed several stays, highlighting the last one at the Central University of Ecuador (Quito) and her residence at IMOCA (Dublin). Her artistic practices question the plane where the contemporary image resides, in a society submerged in a visual container conglomerate. Among the exhibitions in which he has participated, it is worth highlighting 'LO VISIBLE' at the Sporting Club de Russafa in Valencia, 'PALPABLE' (Steambox Gallery, Dublin), the traveling 'LO INHOSPITO, LO SUBLIME Y LO URGENT' at Casa de las Américas (Brussels) to the Museum of Memory (Mexico) and '6LÍNEAS ANALÓGICAS_0,08MZH'.

Rubén Tortosa Cuesta, Polytechnic university of Valencia

Rubén Tortosa (Moixent 1964) has a PhD in Fine Arts, is a tenured professor and deputy director of Research in the Drawing Department of the Faculty of Fine Arts and Coordinator of the Master's Degree in Interactive Design and Digital Manufacturing at the Polytechnic University of Valencia. His work has been exhibited in national and international exhibitions: France, Belgium, Germany, Scotland, Denmark, Italy, United Kingdom, Brazil, Mexico, USA and Japan. A co-founding member of Artefactes, he has developed electronic works and interactive installations. The results have been seen in international exhibitions and competitions such as ArtFutura, Barcelona; Ciberart, Bilbao; Fournos Center Digital Culture, Athens; Gran Canaria Digital Space, Las Palmas de GC; ESAD, Porto. He has written the books: Laboratory at a glance. Creation processes through electrographic technologies. Ed. UPV and The Non-Retinal Gaze. Electronic fingerprints from the horizontal register. Ed. Sendema, and different texts in catalogs and articles in research journals.

José Manuel Ruíz Martín, Central Ecuador University

José Manuel Ruiz Martín is a Doctor in New Artistic Practices. Professor of the Faculty of Arts of the Central University of Ecuador. He has taught postgraduate and master's degrees in Spain and Ecuador and has given numerous presentations at international conferences. Author of the books Art, technology and society (2018), Register (2017), Electrical Pulses (2016), Appearance, impact and effects of the automatic machine in the artist's atelier (2014) and The current laboratory of Digital Graphics (2011 ), and various publications and articles in indexed magazines on laboratories, artistic creation centers and contemporary art. As a multimedia artist, his work has received various international awards and has been part of prestigious exhibitions and festivals in Israel, Belgium, Spain, Mexico, Peru, Colombia, Venezuela and Ecuador, among others.


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Mireia, Rubén, José Manuel



How to Cite

Ávila González, M., Tortosa Cuesta, R., & Ruíz Martín, J. M. (2019). The Image-Matter as record of the event. ASRI. Art and Society. Journal for Research in Arts and Digital Humanities, (17), 223–240.


