The Tangible Heritage of Dance


  • Alicia Santamaría Jiménez Universidad of Murcia



Heritage, Dance, Clasification, Preservation, Categorization, Tangible Artifacts


Dance, as an ephemeral discipline and an integral part of the intangible cultural heritage, has sought since ancient times the way to transcend in time beyond its generational transmission based on the corporeal and the oral. In addition to the texts and choreographic notations used centuries ago as a documentary record of dances and choreographies, we add the important audiovisual record that emerged during the last 20th century and the echo of digitization, assuming more and more prominence every day. In this article, we will address a bibliographic review about the situation of dance heritage and its documentary records and, subsequently, we will show an example of the classification of this heritage, because of the collaboration of various experts at a national level in the context of a study carried out on the institutions from the Dance Heritage Map in Spain.

Author Biography

Alicia Santamaría Jiménez , Universidad of Murcia

She studied dance at the Professional Dance Conservatory of Murcia, under the main tutelage of Elvira Santamaría. During this stage, she obtained various awards and scholarships for prestigious institutions such as the Royal Ballet School, The Place, or École Supériore de Danse de Cannes. With a Higher Degree in Dance Pedagogy from the Madrid Conservatory of Dance, she combines these studies with training at the Carmina Ocaña dance school and various stays in companies such as: European Ballet, Limoges Opera and Corella Ballet Castilla y León . From September 2010 to July 2013, she joined the Cairo Opera Ballet in Egypt, as a soloist. In September 2013, she joined the Ballet Vorpommern in Germany. Graduated in Art History and Master in Advanced Methods and Techniques of Historical Research from UNED, her teaching experience covers both the theoretical and practical fields as a teacher of dance history and classical dance in various private centers and professional conservatories. She is currently a doctoral student at the University of Murcia and teaches classes, as a classical dance teacher, at the "José Antonio Ruiz" Professional Dance Conservatory (Albacete).


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Alicia Santamaría



How to Cite

Santamaría Jiménez , A. (2021). The Tangible Heritage of Dance . ASRI. Art and Society. Journal for Research in Arts and Digital Humanities, (19), 119–138.