Photographic Iconopgraphy

Birdhouses in a carved stone window in Alcántara (Cáceres), by Remigio Mestre




Iconography, Iconography; Rural photography; Postcard; Pictorial Genre; Bas-relief., Rural photography, Postcard, Pictorial Genre, Bas-relief


We analyse an image by the local photographer Remigio Mestre from Alcántara (Cáceres), whose central motif is a Renaissance window in which two birdcages hang. It is a black and white photograph from the mid-20th century, whose subject matter and aesthetics respond to two guidelines: the postcard style and the tradition of pictorial genre painting. The most relevant aspects of both are considered, such as the interrelationship between monumentality and everyday life or the anthropology underlying the practice of whitewashing, which give the image a singularity, while at the same time giving it a polysemic reading of its meaning (where the heraldic coat of arms can be interpreted as a threat to the birds enclosed by the birdcages) and the work of rural photographers.

Author Biography

Angélica García-Manso, Extremadura University

She is a professor in the Department of History of Art and Regional Sciences at the University of Extremadura; is a PhD in Art History in the UEx program "Art as intercultural and cross-border dialogue and transmission" with a thesis on the interrelation between the arts (fundamentally, literature and image, whether iconographic, mythological or properly figurative in painting and the Seventh Art). She has belonged to different national research groups. She has also worked on iconographic patterns of children's and youth literature and on rural film heritage. His numerous studies include, to mention three: Seventh Square Art: Film Intertextuality and Metacinema (Madrid: Sial-Pigmalion, 2012), "The Nibelungos (Die nibelungen, 1924) by Fritz Lang: a mythological imaginary of pictorial roots", in S. Bouso, P. Couto-Cantero, R. Núñez and J. M. Paz Gago (eds.), La fictional screen: literature and communication technologies (Madrid: Litecom, 2016), or "Memory of a space in a trance of submersion: Iconographic analysis of the image 'The young jumper before the bridges', by Wifredo López Vecino", Art and identity politics, 24, 2021 (about rural photographers). 


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Angélica García Manso



How to Cite

García-Manso, A. (2023). Photographic Iconopgraphy : Birdhouses in a carved stone window in Alcántara (Cáceres), by Remigio Mestre. ASRI. Art and Society. Journal for Research in Arts and Digital Humanities, (23), 97–109.