


Culture, Digital, Ecopedagogy, postdigital, Technology


This paper presents the concept of postdigital as a lens from which to approach and examine our immediate cultural present. For this purpose, it proposes an analysis of the term, as well as of the relationships it establishes with other philosophical concepts and concludes by examining its most immediate links with the development of current (digital) culture and the possibilities it offers in this context. A description of the notion of postdigital is thus established that moves away from the disruptive and deterministic definition that commonly accompanies technological discourse, in favour of a critical look at the structure and scientific development that underlies the current network-society. A social paradigm that not only generates connections and public spaces but also a change of conception of how the media are structured and who has access to them. It concludes by understanding the postdigital perspective as necessary to understand and question our current present, proposing to reflect on collective modes of thought and action to generate an ecopedagogy of knowledge.

Author Biography

Julia Mañero, Sevilla University

PhD in Education (Universidad de Sevilla, 2020) and graduate in Advertising and Public Relations (Universidad de Sevilla, 2013). She is currently a professor in the Department of Artistic Education at the University of Seville and a collaborating teacher in the Master's Degree in Communication and Online Education at the National University of Distance Education (UNED). She is a member of the research group ECAV-Education and Audiovisual Culture (, of the Communiars collective ( and associate editor of the Communiars magazine. Magazine of Image, Arts and Critical and Social Education ( Her research interests include art education and digital education from a critical and social perspective. Her academic interests also include cooperative projects, having been part of cooperative projects for human development through the arts in India and Greece.


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Julia Mañero



How to Cite

Mañero, J. (2023). THE NON-DIGITAL REVOLUTION OR HOW POSTDIGITALITY CHALLENGES OUR CULTURAL PRESENT . ASRI. Art and Society. Journal for Research in Arts and Digital Humanities, (23), 1–12.