Cuttings and Punk Music agains the Canon of Beauty in Basque Feminist Videoart




Video art, feminism, beauty, nineties, Basque Country


Throughout the eighties and nineties, one of the key places for the development of video art in the Spanish state was the Basque Country. Among the works of that time, those created by reusing images from women's magazines stand out. Through photocopies, cutouts or even involving the body itself, the artists critically reinterpreted the promotion of the feminine aesthetic canon. The article suggests that common tactics of academic interest were used in this critique and advocates for the enhancement of the selected works, considering them key to the construction of a historiography of feminist art. To make this contribution, first of all, a framework is created around the canon of beauty from the end of the 20th century, to later analyse four creations by the artists Elena Marrodan and Estibaliz Sádaba. The analysis of the works is developed through the cross-sectional study of two elements: the aesthetics of uniformity and punk music. In this way, it is explored how the aesthetic homogenization promoted by the beauty canon was criticized, to later explain what meaning the punk music used in the works added.The abstract should be a concise statement of the subject, approach and conclusions.

Author Biography

Maite Luengo Aguirre, Basque Country Universitu UPV/EHU

PhD in Research in Contemporary Art (UPV/EHU, February 2023), she has developed her doctoral thesis on women artists who worked around the body in the Basque context of the nineties, with an interdisciplinary approach that has included the study of the fine arts together with literature and theatre, financed by the UPV/EHU with the PIF/BUR 19/02 predoctoral grant.

Nowadays, her areas of research include feminist and interdisciplinary methodologies in art history and the female body in contemporary Basque art. She is part of the research projects "DESNORTADAS. Territories of gender in contemporary artistic creation" (PID2020-115157GB-I00) subsidized by the State Research Agency and "Body, authorship and gender in Basque cultural creation" (US21/17) of the UPV/EHU.Previously, she was the principal investigator of the project "Emartistak 2000-2020: Analysis of the presence of Basque artists on Wikipedia and intervention for their visibility" financed with the Grant for Digital Humanities from the Basque Summer University (UEU). 


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Maite Luengo



How to Cite

Luengo Aguirre, M. (2023). Cuttings and Punk Music agains the Canon of Beauty in Basque Feminist Videoart. ASRI. Art and Society. Journal for Research in Arts and Digital Humanities, (23), 72–83.