Analysis metodology of the character in the fiction poscast

case study




Radio, Radio Fiction, Podcast, Radio Script, Audio-visual Analysis


The main objective of this paper is to propose a methodology to analyze the characters in radio fiction, based on the updating of previous methodologies of audiovisual narrative and its adaptation to the medium and radio language. This methodology is applied in a specific case study: the serial “Negra y Criminal”, directed by Mona León Siminiani (Cadena Ser, Podium Podcast, 2016-2019). The aim is to evaluate the effectiveness of the methodology and to explore the resources used to create characters in this production. A methodology for the analysis of the radio character is proposed based on the method by Casetti and Di Chio (2007), adapted for the radio medium by Guarinos (2009). The main conclusion is that radio dramatic fiction can afford the creation of round, complex characters, with dimensionality and volume. The fictional radio character can be studied from the perspective of audiovisual narrative, considering the nature of the medium in which it will develop. As a particularity would remain its articulation from a single raw material: the sound and its wide variety of expressive resources. This determining factor becomes especially notable in the recreation of the physical materiality of the character.

Author Biographies

Jose Patricio Pérez Rufí, Malaga University

Professor of the Department of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising of the Faculty of Communication Sciences of the University of Malaga since 2009. He has a PhD from the University of Seville, a degree in Audiovisual Communication and a degree in Journalism from the University of Seville. He teaches the subjects "Audiovisual Market Structure", "Graphic Design" and "Creative Industries and Economy: Marketing of the Audiovisual Product" at the University of Malaga, in the Degree in Audiovisual Communication and in the Master's in Audiovisual Creation and Performing Arts. He has been visiting professor at the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus. He is part of the Interuniversity Doctorate Program in Communication as a teacher at the Universities of Seville, Malaga, Huelva and Cádiz. He has published various monographs in publishers such as Síntesis, Quiasmo or T & B, as well as a large number of articles in academic Communication journals. He is a member of the COMMUNICAV Research Team Audiovisual and multimedia creation, production and post-production processes (SEJ-585).

Milagros Expósito-Barea, Sevilla University

Professor of the Department of Audiovisual Communication and Advertising of the Faculty of Communication of the University of Seville, where she teaches courses on filmmaking, photography and production. She has a degree in Audiovisual Communication and a PhD in Communication with the doctoral thesis: "The New Thai Cinema (1997-2010)" from the University of Seville. She is part of the research group: Image and Visual Culture Research Team in the Field of Audiovisual Communication (HUM1013). She has participated in numerous national and international conferences, collective works and scientific articles related to the history of cinema, Spanish and Thai, television series and new technologies in the field of audiovisual communication.

María Isabel Pérez-Rufí, Sevilla University

PhD in Art History from the University of Seville (2015) and a degree in Art History (1999). Her career has focused on the study of European and Spanish baroque and rococo jewelry through drawings or engravings of the time, which she finally forged in her doctoral thesis "Jewelry design in Spain: 1740-1800" (2015). He has published several articles in the magazine Razón y palabra (“Stereotypes of zombie cinema and television: The Walking Dead” and “The narrative function of costumes in cinema: the physical appearance of the film character as a characterization element in classic Hollywood cinema”), together with the magazine Visual Review (“The iconography os Epidemics through Banksy in the Year of the Rat os the Chinese Calendar, 2023”). He has also published collaborations in works collective publications ("An album of jewelry drawings in the National Library", "Imagined jewelry: A collection of engravings of eighteenth-century jewelry designs", "Cinema posters on the other hand: from lithography to digital"), among other collective publications.

Francisco javier Gómez-Pérez, Granada University

Professor of the Department of Information and Communication in the Degree in Audiovisual Communication of the Faculty of Communication and Documentation, and of the Master's Degree in New Interactive Media and Multimedia Journalism of the Graduate School of the University of Granada. PhD in Audiovisual Communication from the University of Seville, with "The production of feature films in the Autonomous Community of Andalusia" (2010), research that received the VII RTVA Award 2011 for the Best Doctoral Thesis in the field of Andalusian Audiovisual. Responsible Researcher of the PAIDI Research Group (SEJ-585) "Audiovisual and multimedia creation, production and post-production processes (COMMUNICAV)". Principal Investigator of the FEDER-UGR Research Project (B-SEJ-370-UGR20) "The Andalusian film industry in the audiovisual-ICT hypersector: challenges and opportunities (CINATIC)", and researcher in other R+D+I projects of MINECO or the Erasmus+ Program. Among his publications, it is worth highlighting the monographs Political promotion of the audiovisual industries (2015) and Industrial consolidation of Andalusian cinema (2013), as well as a large number of contributions to scientific journals and national and international congresses. Member of the Spanish Association of Communication Researchers (AE-IC).


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Autores: José Francisco et al



How to Cite

Pérez Rufí, J. P., Expósito-Barea, M., Pérez-Rufí, M. I., & Gómez-Pérez, F. javier. (2023). Analysis metodology of the character in the fiction poscast: case study. ASRI. Art and Society. Journal for Research in Arts and Digital Humanities, (23), 30–46.