GPT Icon Numerical Hallucinations in Computational Art

From Imperative Operativity to Informational Contingency



Technical image, operativity, information, computational art, hallucination


This article addresses how images resulting from massive data analysis are characterized by a kind of imperative operativity that establishes them as models of action for their receivers. At the same time, the systems that generate these images are contingent systems that determine whether these images are informative or redundant at the data level. Using the theories of thinkers such as Vilém Flusser and Harun Farocki as a central axis, we will delve into what this imperative operativity of the image means, both as a meaningful surface and as data within a computational process.

Subsequently, based on the thought of Yuk Hui, we will propose that the contingent nature of the computational processes that generate and are fed by these technical images determines the shift from the redundant image to the informative image, considering this approach from the perspective of media archaeology, that is, viewing the image from a temporal dimension. Finally, we address from an artistic standpoint the imperative operative and contingent informative nature of the current production of images as part of the databases that feed computational art, to question the concept of the image and allow us to propose that these are, rather than images, numerical hallucinations.

Author Biographies

Miriam Sanabria Colin, Austral University of Chile

She holds a Master’s in Visual Arts from the National Autonomous University of Mexico. She is currently a PhD student in Human Sciences, specializing in Discourse and Culture, at the Austral University of Chile. She is a visual artist and researcher. Her artistic production and research focus on the archaeology of computational art and the intersections between art, science, and technology. Among her notable works are Toward a Perception of Space: Approaches from Light and Darkness, published in El Ornitorrinco Tachado journal, and various art exhibitions in Mexico, Spain, and Chile.

Miguel Ángel Luna Vilchis, Austral University of Chile

He holds a Master’s degree in Visual Arts from the National Autonomous University of Mexico and is currently a PhD student in Human Sciences, specializing in Discourse and Culture, at the Austral University of Chile. A specialist in Media Theory and its various implications in contemporary societies, he combines his career as a researcher and educator. Currently, he is developing his research project on media archaeology and genealogy as a methodological approach. Among his notable works is The Role of Imaginations in Alphanumeric Society, published by the National Autonomous University of Mexico.


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Portraits of the authors Miriam Sanabria y Miguel Ángel Luna



How to Cite

Sanabria Colin, M., & Luna Vilchis, M. Ángel. (2024). GPT Icon Numerical Hallucinations in Computational Art: From Imperative Operativity to Informational Contingency. ASRI. Art and Society. Journal for Research in Arts and Digital Humanities, (26), 132–145. Retrieved from