Visualizing the invisible: the kaleidoscopic image and the procedures associated with multiple and connective visuality




Kaleidoscopic image, visuality, Liquid image, network-culture, Black hole


The current context, characterized by the liquid nature of network-culture, can be categorized as kaleidoscopic. This article presents how the kaleidoscopic image structure was essential in the pre-internet era, with the connective software of the artist Agnes Denes. Her ideas, related to the visualization of the invisible, are somewhat reminiscent of current procedures such as the Event Horizon Telescope for visualizing black holes, where the flow of images is the protagonist.

Author Biography

Mari Nieves Vergara, Complutense University of Madrid

Mari Nieves Vergara is a doctor from the Faculty of Fine Arts of the Complutense University of Madrid, where she also studied the Master's Degree in Research in Art and Creation and the Master's Degree in Faculty in Plastic and Visual Arts. She graduated in Fine Arts from the University of Malaga, with an Erasmus scholarship during the last year at Malmö University, Sweden. In 2016 she carried out an Erasmus + Postgraduate (PhD) research stay at the Art Department of the Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture at Aalto University (Helsinki, Finland), where she collaborated as a researcher and visiting professor. She has published the results of her research on the kaleidoscopic image in various academic journals and has worked on the nature of this image as a visual artist, having participated in collective exhibitions and creative projects both in Spain and abroad.


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Mari Nieves Vergara



How to Cite

Nieves Vergara, M. (2019). Visualizing the invisible: the kaleidoscopic image and the procedures associated with multiple and connective visuality. ASRI. Art and Society. Journal for Research in Arts and Digital Humanities, (17), 59–76.


