The architecture of digital imaging




Image, Code image, Format, Data, Metadata, Preservation, Transcodification, Presentation


What is image? Around the concept of image there has been speculation that man used one image to refer to another, from the very birth of language. The image has dematerialized, transcoded, discretized, datified, codified, and floods all spaces: real and virtual. It is necessary to understand the architecture of the image, not only to represent but also for its permanence.

Author Biographies

Lino García, Polytechnic University of Madrid

He is an Automatic Control Engineer, has a master's degree in Communication Systems and Networks, a PhD in Telecommunications and a PhD in Conservation and Restoration of Digital Art. Since 1986 he has been a professor at the Higher Institute of Art in Havana, the “Comillas” Pontifical University, UEM, UCM and UPM, where he currently works. He researches at the Integral Home Automation Center of the UPM. He is a professor in the Interuniversity Master's Degree in Cultural Heritage in the 21st Century: Management and Research (UCM-UPM) and coordinator of module 4 of Research, Audio Engineering in the Degree in Sound and Image Engineering and Digital Image Processing in the Degree in Geospatial Information Technology Engineering and in the Degree in Geomatics Engineering and Topography. Among the most relevant contributions related to art and the conservation and restoration of heritage is the development of a methodology for the production, conservation and restoration of new media art in the paradigm of evolutionary conservation and the development of an application for the Remote conservation study of the works in gigaimage format (mosaic) in the context of the Journey to the Interior of Guernica project for the Department of the Reina Sofía National Museum of Art (MNCARS).

José Pereira, Polytechnic University of Madrid

José Pereira has a degree in Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Assets from the ESCRBC of Galicia, a master's degree in Audiovisual Documentation from UC3M, a master's degree in Valuation, Management and Protection of Heritage from UVIGO and a postgraduate degree in Scientific Image from the UAH. He is the author of the book Color Management in Digitization Projects as well as a good number of articles and papers on digital image and cultural heritage. He develops his professional activity as a consultant, technician and independent researcher in the field of digitization, documentation and diagnosis of cultural heritage by imaging techniques, as well as in the development of tools and computer systems for the dissemination, analysis and preservation of cultural assets. Both authors belong to the technical standardization committee: CTN 050/SC 02 "Digital Preservation of cinematographic works".


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Lino García  y José Pereira



How to Cite

García, L., & Pereira, J. (2019). The architecture of digital imaging. ASRI. Art and Society. Journal for Research in Arts and Digital Humanities, (17), 122–134.


