No. 18 (2020): Paradigms of Audiovisual Narrative

					View No. 18 (2020): Paradigms of Audiovisual Narrative

It is often said that in the Odyssey all human thought is and fits. It is the journey of journeys, life, and therefore nothing escapes the Homeric poem, whether they are questions of philosophy, politics, ethics or culture. For a student of narrative, in particular, the story of Odysseus is the mold from which all possible stories come. And most importantly, the forge from which all the possible ways of telling those stories come out. Even the ones that don't exist yet. Homer is adventure and mystery, tragedy and drama, emotion and delay. He is "narrating for the pleasure of narrating" (García Gual, 2015, p. XI), and from that irrepressible passion that feeds his verses, the infinite branches of the tree of narratology flourish. The 14 articles selected from our monograph, out of a total of almost 40 contributions received, navigate those rivers that flow into that great "flow of images" that makes up contemporary times, and which was dealt with in the previous issue of our magazine. Cinema, photography, video games, design, architecture, journalism, advertising, marketing, academic research, teaching... No field of communication escapes the mutations of the new audiovisual narratives. As nothing, not even oneself, can escape from its Homeric condition.

Editorial coordinators: Raúl Álvarez and Mario Rajas

Directors and editors: José Ramón Alcalá and Tomás Zarza

Published: 2020-07-01
